Please schedule online or call 503-227-0573 — Please use the Personal Health Record to message Dr. Annie Bacon and find your prescriptions, invoices and orders. Your email address will provide you access to the Personal Health Record.

Call Eye Department for medical attention if you are experiencing any of the following:
  • Flashes of light
  • Sudden increase in Floaters
  • Vision loss.
  • Different size pupils.
  • Double vision.
  • Bleeding from the eye.
  • Swelling.
  • Eye pain that doesn’t lessen on its own.
  • Eye pain accompanied by a headache.

 Eye injuries can occur in a variety of ways:

•Sports injuries – Basketball is the most common cause of injuries to patients aged 15-25. Eye trauma can occur in any number of ways during any type of sport. The impact of ball to eye, impact from knees, elbows, impact to head or eye/orbit area, debris from ground flying into the eye can all lead to a call/trip to Eye Department.

•Workplace injuries – Workplace eye injuries can occur in any work place. Maintaining appropriate safety measures is critical in any setting. Eye injuries occur from metal shavings, impact to the orbital area, welding, nail guns, chemical splash/exposure to eye.

•Home- chemical splash/exposure to eye, power tools (saws, nail guns), lawn maintenance (cutting grass or weed eaters throwing debris such as sticks or rocks).

•Fireworks – It is best to leave this activity up to the professionals. Even then, it is best to use safety practices when using fireworks personally use or as a bystander at a show.

•Motor vehicle crash.

•Assault – blow to the eye, corneal scratch, wound to eye.

Give Dr. Annie Bacon at Eye Department a call.

For more detailed information, please visit Eye Department Emergency Eye Care Services Page